Good Music
Good Music
UPDATED 19/05/2014.
ON Sunday 15th January, 2012, in the wee hours of the morning I was taken to the Homerton University Hospital by their ambulance service and was admitted. My thanks to the lady angel who answered the 999 emergency call and also thanks to the rest of the response unit team of angels, (they most probably saved my life) a better service I know not of anywhere, and if someone somewhere know of any other, please tell me.
After working flat out by staying up all night doing various paper works, coupled with not eating properly. I can remember going into a shop, and buying a pack of 10 cigarettes, a kind which I had never smoked before this was a Tuesday, on the 10th of January. The taste and the smell of the cigarette was not up to my liking. However, I continued to struggle through the pack, and finally smoked the last two the Thursday of the same week, which was the 12thJanuary.
I was so put off by this new cigarette, so much that I never had another one up to and including when I had the attack of waking up, and finding that I could not breathe properly. The hospital, GOD bless them, have carried out various kinds of tests. We are now much the wiser as to cause. And one thing is for sure, I have not smoked my old brand, nor the new one that I had for the first time, no, not since my big 'scare him'. (Me) I have told a lot of my friends about the experience, some think it's this, and some think it's that. One thing for sure is that I feel better for not smoking, and you know what? I would be telling lies if I said that I did not miss a smoke. You know what? I'm not inquisitive - don't think I wanna prove if it's that bad old new pack that contributed to what could have been tragic.
So what you think? I'm now truly aware, that that bad ole ciggy, did play its part, in my not nearly making it to tell u this today. But for the grace of GOD - I would definitely not have been here to pen this. Oh by the way: Go on to Amazon and have a free read of my first novel, ''MYRNA DID NOT KNOW'' and also, ''SOME PEOPLE'' my life story, of the early years of my life, and those spent making music, up until now. Then if u like - download your own. A good read if I say so myself.
And it came to pass, that one of the contributing factor to that unfortunate incident was the fact that the bed I was sleeping on was defective. How? I hear you ask. Well it goes like this, the bed was broken from a long time ago, but I thought nothing of it.
Ah, just change the mattress around and all will be well, fine! but I did not take into consideration that the bed was broken some fifteen years ago, and I was no longer in my fifties, but in fact I was now well over 65 years of age.
Well there must be a lesson in there somewhere, ah yes you see when you become older your circulation works slower, and if you are someone that wears socks or stockings, you should check out your foot, or feet and see the deep imprint left there after you have removed your socks or stockings. (maybe you should ignore all of this, if you live in a permanently 90 degrees in the shade hot country, or you are 'young bright eyed and bushy tailed' with all body parts firing)

Finally, I have still not restarted smoking, and I'm feeling all the better for it.
TODAY IS MONDAY 19/05/14 Thank the LORD, three years or so, since the day I was admitted to the Homerton Hospital, after being taken there by emergency ambulance service. GOD bless the National Health Service - 2nd to none in the world. I still have not started to smoke again. I have no immediate plans either. Much more to tell you.... So as to get your undivided attention, I just thought that I should tell you in colours, that I've completed writing and publishing my first two books, a novel named, ''MYRNA DID NOT KNOW'' and the other one... my Memoirs, titled, ''SOME PEOPLE.'' If you so desire, then please get in touch with Amazon. And read the reality of the years devoted to the music industry, producing and singing. They are so available, in all Amazon bookstores, on Kindle.